Bridlewood cabernet sauvignon review

5 11 2012

Tonight we check out a 2009 cabernet from California’s Paso Robles area, which goes for about $13 at Total Wine and more elsewhere.

Bridlewood cab has some big things going for it.  The label rocks.  I mean, you look at it, and you just WANT this wine.  Plus, it’s only $13.  And, it’s from Paso Robles, today’s bargain version of Napa Valley.  Wines from this area are typically deep, dark, juicy, tannic, and supremely satisfying for much less money than you expect.

However, Bridlewood cabernet isn’t as deep and dark and juicy as I wanted it to be.  It’s interesting, almost funky.  It smells like licorice and tastes like vanilla, cloves, toast and oak.  It’s on the lighter side of medium-bodied, with nice, subtle tannins.  It’s very different, which I value highly.  But in the end, it’s a bit “too” different.  I just don’t think I would buy it again if I wanted a cabernet.

Not recommended, but may be very pleasing to you if you want something a bit unusual.

It’s against the rules to display the label of a wine that is not recommended, but what the heck, this one’s worth an exception:Bridlewood cabernet sauvignon



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